22 Ocak 2011 Cumartesi

Double Yuck

I have never been a big fan of winter; usually by mid-January I am longing for spring. This year it wasn't really too bad -- I have been walking a lot, getting lots of sunshine which really does make a difference in my mood.

But then I got this stinking cold.

Yuck. I really don't want to share all the disgusting symptoms, but suffice it to say that this has not been a good couple of days. Finally, I went to the doctor to learn I have a nasty virus that turned into bronchitis. Now that I have some drugs, it should be getting better.

Sooner rather than later, I hope.

In the meantime, I have these lovely tulips from my daughter. And even feeling crappy, I could not resist taking a few pictures. ;) We had the nastiest weather here yesterday -- snow and freezing rain that turned to all rain with temps in the high 30's.

Yuck. (That's two yucks, if you are keeping score.)

So, I hope everyone is well, and warm and dry. There is something about the color red, isn't there? It just warms the spirit.

Happy Wednesday, dear bloggers!

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